Our Group
Our group is small by design. This allows and encourages close collaboration of all group members.
Current Members
Tal Goldshtein, MSc 2025
Thesis title: Poisson information velocity
Yoad Nitzan, MSc 2024
Thesis title: Geometry-oriented measures of dependence
Omri Lev, MSc 2021 (now, PhD student @ EECS, MIT)
Thesis title: Real-time source–channel coding techniques with side information or subject to an energy constraint
Alon Melamed, MSc 2023
Project title: Dolinar receiver under constraints and in the presence of uncertainty
Almog Zilka, MSc 2023 (co-adviser: Omri Lev)
Project title: Energy-limited joint source–channel coding via analog pulse position modulation and companding
Nikita Fuzailov, MSc 2021 (co-adviser: Omri Lev; now, PhD student @ Physics, TAU)
Project title: Optimization and learning techniques for zero-delay joint source–channel coding
Lior Kurland, BSc 2022
Project title: Alternatives to the Impact Factor
Maor Kehati & Sagi Timinsky, BSc 2020
Project title: Analog-code design via deep learning
Harel Chai & Harel Hacham, BSc 2020
Project title: Juggling robot: Fast communication
Roei Ben Simon & Roy Roth, BSc 2019 (co-adviser: Ido Nachum)
Project title: Information bottleneck: Empirical study
Omer Ben Nun & Ehud Hayat, BSc 2019
Project title: Juggling robot: Robotic arm setup