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Graduate-level Courses

Graduate-level Courses

Estimation Theory

A core course on the problem of parameter estimation. The course discusses both the construction of good estimators and bounding the optimal performance. Both the Bayesian and frequentist approaches are covered.

Learning to Control

​An advanced course. After a short recap on modern linear control, state-of-the-art learning techniques are presented for the problem of system identification and adaptive control.

Information Theory 2

An advanced course that introduces advanced topics and techniques in information theory: multi-user information theory, large deviations and its applications to communications, lattice-based techniques, and more. 

Control Under Communication Constraints

An advanced course that considers the control problem in the presence of noisy communication links in the feedback loop. The course explains different aspects and techniques to tackling different control–communication scenario.



Undergraduate-level Courses

Random Signals & Noise

A basic course on stochastic processes that covers basic probability, random vectors, Gaussian vectors, estimation, basic stochastic processes, stationarity, ergodicity, power spectral density, (non-causal) Wiener filtering, Markov chains, Lévy processes, Poisson processes, Wiener processes, Kalman filtering (time permitting).

Introduction to Control Theory

A basic course in control theory that covers

  • Classical control techniques: steady-state error, PID & PR controllers, lead–lag compensators, Routh–Hurwitz criterion, root locus, Nyquist criterion, sensitivity, phase & gain margins.

  • State-space representation: State-space realizations, minimality of a system, controllability, stabilizability, observability, detectability, Kalman & PBH tests, observers & observer-based control.

Contact Us


If you're interested in the math behind systems research (communications, signal processing, statistics, control theory, information theory, or learning theory), let us know!


Postdoc, PhD, MSc, and BSc positions are available.

Tel: +972-(3)-640-7195

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