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I am an Assistant Professor in the School of EE at Tel Aviv University. I also serve as the Officer of the IEEE Information Theory Israel Section Chapter.
I did all my studies in the School of EE at Tel Aviv University, where I was fortunate to have Prof. Uri Erez as my advisor.
I spent three wonderful years as a Postdoctoral Scholar in the Department of EE at Caltech, under the superb guidance of Prof. Babak Hassibi, and a joyous semester as a Research Fellow in the Real-Time Decision Making and the Brain and Computation programs of the Simons Institute at UC Berkeley.
During most of my studies, I have worked as an engineer in various hardware, software, and algorithm R&D positions.
Academic Family Tree
Courtesy of the Math Genealogy Project
My Tree
Workshop in celebration of Meir Feder's 60th birthday
Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel, Oct. 2015.
Babak Hassibi's Tree
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